Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lover's Knot Blanket: My Current Masterpiece

This blanket may be the most intricate pattern I have challenged myself with to date. I'm saying a quick prayer to the knitting goddess that I can finish this on time and without error.

Image from Lion Brand website

This is the Lover's Knot pattern found free on the Lion Brand website. I initially came across it when I was searching for a quick and pretty pattern for a blanket as a gift to my cousin for her wedding in July 2010. I began the blanket in April thinking that I could surely finish it in 4 months. 

This pattern was the devil.

I was pretty new to cabling when I chose this pattern but figured that my ambition, drive, and help from youtube videos would get me through this pattern with no problems. I was a bit intimidated when I cast on 180 stitches (probably the biggest cast on I have ever done) and realized that the yarn I had chosen was pretty light weight. Completely dismissing those issues, I continued on and began the pattern. 

And so I knitted.....and knitted....and knitted.

July came and went and my cousin never got the blanket. I think it was the cabling that killed it.  Fortunately I had not told her I was making a blanket for her wedding so she didn't know the difference. There was so much cabling involved that it slowed me down considerably, and I consider myself a pretty fast knitter. After 7 months slaving over the stupid thing I (regretfully) gave up on the idea of a full sized blanket and cast off early, making a very beautiful and intricate baby blanket. It is still sitting in my drawer, waiting to be used or given as a gift. Honestly, after working on it for so long and forming a love/hate relationship with the beautiful and time consuming pattern, I may keep it for my future children. I'm going to have a hard time giving away a piece that I have a "relationship" with.

Fast forward to March 2011. A good friend of mine just got engaged and I  entertained the idea of making her a wedding blanket. Since my sort of failed attempt at making a wedding blanket for my cousin, I was a bit hesitant to start another one. Given that I would have a year to finish the blanket (the wedding is May 2012), I decided to take on another big project. Thus the great pattern search began.

I LOVE searching for new patterns. To me it is a "thrill of the hunt" senario; once I find a pattern I am in love with, I get really excited about it and can't wait to conquer it. I looked through plenty of patterns that were new or that I had saved from past projects but I was haunted by "the one that got away": that damn Lover's Knot blanket. After debating on it for a while, I decided to just go for it. Hey, I have a year this time. Failure it not an option.

I decided to use Bernat baby sport yarn in ecru for the blanket. I have used this type before and like the lightness and warmth it has when knitted. I began the project in late April; in fact, I think the beginning this project was a way to keep me sane while studying for my first round of nursing finals. 
Close up of my work on the pattern
Clustered Braid portion of the pattern.
XOXO portion of pattern
I like the Celtic influence and subtle Romanticism of this pattern. The clustered braid reminds me of Celtic knots, which I think are lovely, and that XOXO pattern is adorable (hugs and kisses in knitting form). I currently have 1 1/2 feet of work done. My intention is to complete 1 foot each month until it is 5 feet long. This is a bit more challenging than the first time I tried this, since I learned from the first time that the blanket needs to be wider; the cabled portions shorten it a lot. So this blanket will be considerably bigger overall than the first attempt. I don't care how long it takes or if my fingers bleed in the process: I will finish this blanket on time and it will be the most gorgeous piece I have done. I will be recording if I hit my 1 foot a month deadline on this site. I will keep you posted. Wish me luck.

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